block by joyrexus 7360353

Nesting demo

Quick demo of how you can use D3‘s Nest in your node apps, sans D3.

nest = require 'nest'
assert = require 'assert'
isEqual = assert.deepEqual

Suppose we have an array of records:

data = [
  type: "apple"
  color: "green"
  quantity: 1
  type: "apple"
  color: "red"
  quantity: 2
  type: "grape"
  color: "green"
  quantity: 3
  type: "grape"
  color: "red"
  quantity: 4


Let’s group our entries by color:

groups = nest()
  .key((d) -> d.color)  # group entries by color

expected = [
  key: 'green'
    [ { type: 'apple', color: 'green', quantity: 1 },
      { type: 'grape', color: 'green', quantity: 3 } ]
  key: 'red'
    [ { type: 'apple', color: 'red', quantity: 2 },
      { type: 'grape', color: 'red', quantity: 4 } ]
isEqual groups, expected, 'group by color'


Let’s define an aggregator function for a rollup. Here the total method sums up the quantity attribute of each entry:

sum = (arr, acc) -> 
  x = 0
  x += (if acc then acc(i) else i) for i in arr

total = (d) -> sum(d, (x) -> x.quantity)

So we can now get totals by color:

totals = nest()
  .key((d) -> d.color)    # group by color
  .rollup(total)          # sum entries by quantity

expected = [ { key: 'green', values: 4 }, { key: 'red', values: 6 } ]
isEqual totals, expected, 'total by color'

Similarly by type:

totals = nest()
  .key((d) -> d.type)     # group by type
  .rollup(total)          # sum entries by quantity

expected = [ { key: 'apple', values: 3 }, { key: 'grape', values: 7 } ]
isEqual totals, expected, 'total by type'
