block by Fil ad107bae48e0b88014a0e3575fe1ba64

Versor Dragging - d3 & three.js running in sync / moving the camera [UNLISTED]

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Synchronization of d3 and tree.js globes with quaternion/versor drag.

An answer to

This version moves the camera to the right place, and rotates it towards the center. Alas, we have set only 5 of its 6 degrees of freedom (camera.position.x,y,z ; camera.rotation.x,y); but you still have to figure out its roll rotation.z (set camera.rotation.z = 2*Math.PI*Math.random() for some fun).

Forked from mbostock‘s block: Versor Dragging

forked from Fil‘s block: Versor Dragging - d3 & three.js running in sync

