block by GerHobbelt 3637711

d3.js: force layout with 'pinning' nodes after dragging (SHIFT or CTRL key)

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Pinning nodes (or groups of nodes) in force layout after drag: .fixed bits ……

Derived from the D3.js example force_cluster.html and gist 3104394.


Known Bugs



The ability to draw circular references is following the overall force design used here, where helper nodes (and ditto links) are used to produce the bezier-based links; a self-reference is nothing but yet another nodeA -> helper -> nodeB link chain where ‘nodeB’ just happens to be nodeA again.

This code uses two(2) d3.layout.force() forces: one to layout the original nodes (or their group node equivalent), the second is used to layout all the helper nodes (which are only visible in debug modes 1 and 2): the latter are used to construct the bezier paths representing the links.

