block by Kcnarf 4de291d8b2d1e6501990540d87bc1baf

distance-limited Voronoi Interaction III

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This block is based on Step 3 - Voronoi Scatterplot - Tooltip attached to circle from @NadiehBremer

The Voronoi technics (used to improve interactive experience) is something I like. But I’m quite confused when the mouse is far away from points/subjectsOfMatter. In the original example, this situation arises in the viz’s top-left and bottom-right corners.

This block attempts to overcome this issue by:

For the sake of illustration, interactive areas appear in (very) light blue. Interactive zones would not be rendered in the final viz.

The implementation in this block uses a plugin I made (see d3-distanceLimitedVoronoi Github project) that computes the adequate interactive area around each point. The adequate path is: voronoï-cell INTERSECT max-distance-from-point. Others ways could be:

This third implementation of distance-limited voronoi cell is simpler than the 2 others because:

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