block by Kcnarf 9c69bf4bcc5c6df991bca7dc2488bda0

Voronoï playground: weighted Voronoï relaxation

Full Screen

This block experiments the Lloyd’s relaxation algorithm on weighted sites.

This block is an adaptation of veltam‘s Voronoi relaxation block, which applies the algorithm to basic, non-weigthed, sites.

At each iteration

The algorithm stops when each site no longer moves (more exactly, when each site moves below a certain treshold).

User interactions :

Acknowledgments to :


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <title>Voronoï playground: weighted Voronoï relaxation</title>
    <meta name="description" content="Lloyd's algorithm applied to weighted sites, using D3.js and the d3-weighted-voronoi plugin">
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
      #layouter {
        text-align: center;
        position: relative;
      #wip {
        display: none;
        position: absolute;
        top: 200px;
        left: 330px;
        font-size: 40px;
        text-align: center;

      .control {
        position: absolute;
        top: 5px;
      .control.bottom {
        bottom: 5px;
        left: 5px;
      .control.right {
        right: 5px;
      .control.right div{
        text-align: right;
      .control.left div{
        text-align: left;
      .control .separator {
        height: 5px;

      canvas {
        margin: 1px;
        border-radius: 1000px;
        box-shadow: 2px 2px 6px grey;
      canvas#background-image, canvas#alpha {
        display: none;
    <div id="layouter">
      <canvas id="background-image"></canvas>
      <canvas id="alpha"></canvas>
      <canvas id="colored"></canvas>

      <div id="control0" class="control top left">
          <input id="cellsOrCircles" type="radio" name="cellsOrCircles" value="cells" checked onchange="cellsOrCirclesUpdated('cells')"> Weighted Voronoï 
          <input id="cellsOrCircles" type="radio" name="cellsOrCircles" value="circles" onchange="cellsOrCirclesUpdated('circles')"> Weights
      <div id="control1" class="control bottom left">
          <input id="showSites" type="checkbox" name="showSites" onchange="siteVisibilityUpdated()"> Show sites
      <div id="control2" class="control bottom right">
          Grey <input id="bgImgGrey" type="radio" name="bgImg" onchange="bgImgUpdated('grey')">
          Radial rainbow <input id="bgImgRadialRainbow" type="radio" name="bgImg" onchange="bgImgUpdated('radialRainbow')">
          Canonical rainbow <input id="bgImgCanonicalRainbow" type="radio" name="bgImg" checked onchange="bgImgUpdated('canonicalRainbow')">

      <div id="wip">
        Work in progress ...
      var _2PI = 2*Math.PI,
          sqrt = Math.sqrt,
          sqr = function(d) { return Math.pow(d,2); };
      //begin: layout conf.
      var totalWidth = 550,
          totalHeight = 500,
          controlsHeight = 0,
          canvasRadius = (totalHeight-controlsHeight)/2,
          canvasbw = 1, //canvas border width
          canvasHeight = 2*canvasRadius,
          canvasWidth = 2*canvasRadius,
          radius = canvasRadius-canvasbw,
          width = 2*canvasRadius,
          height = 2*canvasRadius,
          halfRadius = radius/2
          halfWidth = halfRadius,
          halfHeight = halfRadius,
          quarterRadius = radius/4;
          quarterWidth = quarterRadius,
          quarterHeight = quarterRadius;
      //end: layout conf.
      //begin: drawing conf.
      var drawSites = false,
          bgType = "canonicalRainbow",
      		drawCellsOrCircles = "cells",
          bgImgCanvas, alphaCanvas, coloredCanvas,
          bgImgContext, alphaContext, coloredContext,
      //end: drawing conf.
      //begin: init layout
      //end: init layout
      //begin: weighted voronoi conf.
      var siteCount = 100,
          maxWeight = 2000,
          convergenceTreshold = 0.1;
      var circlingPolygon = [];
      for (a=0; a<_2PI; a+=_2PI/60) {
        circlingPolygon.push([(radius+1)*(1+Math.cos(a)), (radius+1)*(1+Math.sin(a))])
      var	weightedVoronoi = d3.weightedVoronoi().clip(circlingPolygon);
      //end: weighted voronoi conf.

      //begin: user interaction handlers
      function siteVisibilityUpdated() {
        drawSites ="#showSites").node().checked;
      function bgImgUpdated(newType) {
        bgType = newType;
      function cellsOrCirclesUpdated(type) {
        drawCellsOrCircles = type;
      //end: user interaction handlers
      function relax(points) {

        var polygons = weightedVoronoi(points),
            centroids =,
            pointIdToPolyAndCenter = {},
            someOverweightedPoints = (points.length > polygons.length),
        polygons.forEach(function(polygon) {
          pointIdToPolyAndCenter[] = {
            polygon: polygon,
          	centroid: d3.polygonCentroid(polygon)
        if (someOverweightedPoints) {
          console.log("Overweighted points: "+(points.length-polygons.length));
          //insert overweighted points at a random corner of a random polygon
          for(var i=0; i<siteCount; i++) {
            if (pointIdToPolyAndCenter[i] === undefined) {
              someOverweightedPoints = true;
              randPoly = polygons[Math.floor(polygons.length*Math.random())];
              randCorner = randPoly[Math.floor(randPoly.length*Math.random())]
              pointIdToPolyAndCenter[i] = {
                point: points[i],
                polygon: null,
                centroid: randCorner
          converged = false;
        } else {
          console.log("No overweighted point");
         	converged = polygons.every(function(p, i){
          	return distance(, centroids[i]) < convergenceTreshold;
        redraw(points, polygons);

        if (converged) {
          setTimeout(reset, 750);
        } else {
            var newPoints = [];
            for(i=0;i<siteCount; i++) {
              data = pointIdToPolyAndCenter[i];
                index: data.point.index,
                x: data.centroid[0],
                y: data.centroid[1],
                weight: data.point.weight,
                sqrtWeight: data.point.sqrtWeight
          }, 50);


      function distance(p, c) {
        return sqrt(sqr(p.x - c[0], 2) + sqr(p.y - c[1], 2));

      function reset() {
        var points = [];
        var x, y, weight;
        for (i=0; i<siteCount; i++) {
          //use (x,y) instead of (r,a) for a better uniform (ie. less centered) placement of sites
          x = width*Math.random();
          y = height*Math.random();
          while (sqrt(sqr(x-radius)+sqr(y-radius))>radius) {
            x = width*Math.random();
            y = height*Math.random();
          weight = sqr(Math.random()) * maxWeight
            index: i,
            x: x,
            y: y,
            weight: weight,
            sqrtWeight: sqrt(weight)

        alphaContext.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);
        redraw(points, weightedVoronoi(points));

        }, 750);

      /*      Drawing functions       */
      /*   Playing with canvas :-)    */
      /*                              */
      /* Experiment to draw           */
      /*   with a uniform color,      */
      /*   or with a radial gradient, */
      /*   or over a background image */
      function initLayout() {"#layouter").style("width", totalWidth+"px").style("height", totalHeight+"px");
        d3.selectAll("canvas").attr("width", canvasWidth).attr("height", canvasHeight);

        bgImgCanvas = document.querySelector("canvas#background-image");
        bgImgContext = bgImgCanvas.getContext("2d");
        alphaCanvas = document.querySelector("canvas#alpha");
        alphaContext = alphaCanvas.getContext("2d");
        coloredCanvas = document.querySelector("canvas#colored");
        coloredContext = coloredCanvas.getContext("2d");

				//begin: set a radial rainbow
        radialGradient = coloredContext.createRadialGradient(radius, radius, 0, radius, radius, radius);
        var gradientStopNumber = 10,
            stopDelta = 0.9/gradientStopNumber;
            hueDelta = 360/gradientStopNumber,
            stop = 0.1,
            hue = 0;
        while (hue<360) {
          radialGradient.addColorStop(stop, d3.hsl(Math.abs(hue+160), 1, 0.45));
          stop += stopDelta;
          hue += hueDelta;
        //end: set a radial rainbow
        //begin: set the background image
        //end:  set the initial background image
      function setBackgroundImage() {
        if (bgType==="canonicalRainbow") {
          //begin: make conical rainbow gradient
          var imageData = bgImgContext.getImageData(0, 0, 2*radius, 2*radius);
          var i = -radius,
              j = -radius,
              pixel = 0,
              radToDeg = 180/Math.PI;
          var aRad, aDeg, rgb;
          while (i<radius) {
            j = -radius;
            while (j<radius) {
              aRad = Math.atan2(j, i);
              aDeg = aRad*radToDeg;
              rgb = d3.hsl(aDeg, 1, 0.45).rgb();
    [pixel++] = rgb.r;
    [pixel++] = rgb.g;
    [pixel++] = rgb.b;
    [pixel++] = 255;
          bgImgContext.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0);
          //end: make conical rainbow gradient
        } else if (bgType==="radialRainbow") {
          bgImgContext.fillStyle = radialGradient;
          bgImgContext.fillRect(0, 0, canvasWidth, canvasHeight);
        } else {
          bgImgContext.fillStyle = "grey";
        	bgImgContext.fillRect(0, 0, canvasWidth, canvasHeight);

      function redraw(points, polygons) {
        // At each iteration:
        //  1- update the 'alpha' canvas
        //    1.1- fade 'alpha' canvas to simulate passing time
        //    1.2- add the new tessellation/weights to the 'alpha' canvas
        //  2- blend 'background-image' and 'alpha' => produces colorfull rendering
        alphaContext.lineWidth= 2;
        //begin: add the new tessellation/weights (to the 'grey-scale' canvas)
        if (drawCellsOrCircles==="cells") {
          alphaContext.globalAlpha = 0.5;
        } else {
          alphaContext.globalAlpha = 0.2;
				//begin: add the new tessellation/weights (to the 'grey-scale' canvas)
        if (drawSites) {
          //begin: add sites (to 'grey-scale' canvas)
          alphaContext.globalAlpha = 1;
          //begin: add sites (to 'grey-scale' canvas)
        //begin: use 'background-image' to color pixels of the 'grey-scale' canvas
        coloredContext.clearRect(0, 0, canvasWidth, canvasHeight);
        coloredContext.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over";
        coloredContext.drawImage(bgImgCanvas, 0, 0);
				coloredContext.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-in";
				coloredContext.drawImage(alphaCanvas, 0, 0);
        //begin: use 'background-image' to color pixels of the 'grey-scale' canvas
      function addCell(polygon) {
        alphaContext.moveTo(polygon[0][0], polygon[0][1]);
          alphaContext.lineTo(vertex[0], vertex[1]);
        alphaContext.lineTo(polygon[0][0], polygon[0][1]);
      function addWeight(point) {
        alphaContext.moveTo(point.x+point.sqrtWeight, point.y);
        alphaContext.arc(point.x, point.y, point.sqrtWeight, 0, _2PI);
      function addSite(point) {
        alphaContext.moveTo(point.x, point.y);
        alphaContext.arc(point.x, point.y, 1, 0, _2PI);
      function fade() {
        var imageData = alphaContext.getImageData(0, 0, canvasWidth, canvasHeight);
        for (var i = 3, l =; i < l; i += 4) {
[i] = Math.max(0,[i] - 10);
        alphaContext.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0);