block by Rich-Harris 5b4edf7adb97d4f6b48778ff37366eb3

Source bytes: React vs Ember Octane vs Svelte

I’m procrastinating instead of working on a conference talk, so I decided to implement this component in Svelte to see which framework is most expressive:

Screen Shot 2019-03-30 at 16 42 16

Ember Octane

Here’s the original, with the addition of an import for dataUriAsSrc (and updated per @chriskrycho’s comment):

  class='rounded-full object-cover'
  alt="Profile image for {{@name}}"
import Component from '@glimmer/component';
import { tracked } from '@glimmer/tracking';
import { action } from '@ember/object';
import dataUriAsSrc from './dataUriAsSrc.js';

export default class AvatarComponent extends Component {
  size = 48;
  @tracked letterform;

  get src() {
    return this.letterform
      ? this.letterform
      : `${this.args.companyId}`;

  @action useLetterform() {
    this.letterform = dataUriAsSrc(, this.size);


Here’s a Svelte version (demo):

  import dataUriAsSrc from './dataUriAsSrc.js';

  export let size = 48;
  export let name;
  export let companyId;

  let letterform = false;

  $: src = letterform
    ? dataUriAsSrc(name, size)
    : `${companyId}`;

  class="rounded-full object-cover"
  alt="Profile image for {name}"
  on:error={() => letterform = true}


And here’s one using React hooks (demo):

import React, { useState, useMemo } from "react";
import dataUriAsSrc from "./dataUriAsSrc.js";

export default function Avatar({ size = 48, name, companyId }) {
  const [letterform, setLetterform] = useState(false);

  const src = useMemo(
    () => letterform
      ? dataUriAsSrc(name, size)
      : `${companyId}`,
    [letterform, name, companyId, size]

  return (
      className="rounded-full object-cover"
      alt={`Profile image for ${name}`}
      onError={() => setLetterform(true)}

They’re all pretty sleek — much more so than frameworks of yore. I find it useful to compare both lines of source code and bytes of source code (to count bytes, copy to clipboard then run pbpaste | wc -c in your terminal):

framework lines of code bytes of code
Svelte 22 422
React 24 607 (+44%)
Ember 27 673 (+59%)

In summary: use Svelte 😜