block by Rich-Harris d472c50732dab03efeb37472b08a3f32

Unifying Rollup options

Rollup 0.48 introduces a few changes to the options object, because the current options are confusingly different between the CLI and the options exported by your config file.

Changes to the config file

The dest and format options are now grouped together as a single output: { file, format, ... } object. output can also be an array of { file, format, ... } objects, in which case it behaves similarly to the current targets. Other output options — exports, paths and so on — can be added to the output object (though they will fall back to their top-level namesakes, if unspecified).

So this…

// old rollup.config.js
export default {
  entry: 'src/main.js',
  dest: 'public/bundle.js',
  format: 'iife',
  moduleName: 'App',
  sourceMap: true

…would become this:

// new rollup.config.js
export default {
  input: 'src/main.js',
  output: {
    file: 'public/bundle.js',
    format: 'iife',
    name: 'App',
    sourcemap: true

A config with multiple outputs (say, a CommonJS main and a ESM module output) might look like this:

import pkg from './package.json';

export default {
  input: 'src/index.js',
  output: [
    { file: pkg.main, format: 'umd', name: 'MyLibrary' },
    { file: pkg.module, format: 'es' }

  // other output options specified here will be shared by
  // all outputs, unless overridden
  sourcemap: true

Changes to the API

The same changes apply if you’re using the API directly:

  input: 'src/main.js'
}).then(bundle => {
  return bundle.write({
    file: 'public/bundle.js',
    format: 'iife',
    name: 'App',
    sourcemap: true

Changes to the CLI

The --output and --format can now also be specified as --output.file and --output.format respectively. The shorthand -o and -f options are unchanged.