block by cpbotha 5205319

d3.js breathing drop shadows

Full Screen

Look ma, those drop shadows are breathing!

Your eyes want you to believe that the blocks are hovering up and down, when in fact only the drop shadow is being translated out and in again.

Follow me on for even more fun, or see my other d3 blocks:


<!DOCTYPE html>

    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">
    <title>d3 drop shadow example</title>

body {
  font-family: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
  width: 960px;
  height: 500px;
  position: relative;

<div id="chart">

<script src="//"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="breathing_dropshadow.js"></script>



// d3.js animated drop shadow example
// put together by
// see for the live action version
// it demonstrates:
// 1. drop shadows with SVG filters
// 2. repeated animation with transition + "end" callback
// 3. the hoving in and out of the page illusion that results from
//    manipulating the shadow.

var items = [
    {x : 50, y : 10},
    {x : 100, y: 170},
    {x : 320, y: 70}

// we can increase this, everything will scale up with us
var w=960,h=500,"#chart")

// filter chain comes from:
// cpbotha added explanatory comments
// read more about SVG filter effects here:

// filters go in defs element
var defs = svg.append("defs");

// create filter with id #drop-shadow
// height=130% so that the shadow is not clipped
var filter = defs.append("filter")
    .attr("id", "drop-shadow")
    .attr("height", "150%");

// SourceAlpha refers to opacity of graphic that this filter will be applied to
// convolve that with a Gaussian with standard deviation 3 and store result
// in blur
    .attr("in", "SourceAlpha")
    .attr("stdDeviation", 5)
    .attr("result", "blur");

// translate output of Gaussian blur to the right and downwards with 2px
// store result in offsetBlur
var feOffset = filter.append("feOffset")
    .attr("in", "blur")
    .attr("dx", 5)
    .attr("dy", 5)
    .attr("result", "offsetBlur");

// overlay original SourceGraphic over translated blurred opacity by using
// feMerge filter. Order of specifying inputs is important!
var feMerge = filter.append("feMerge");

    .attr("in", "offsetBlur")
    .attr("in", "SourceGraphic");

// for each rendered node, apply #drop-shadow filter
var item = svg.selectAll("rect")
    .attr("width", 170)
    .attr("height", 100)
    .attr("fill", "steelblue")
    .attr("stroke-width", 2)
    .style("filter", "url(#drop-shadow)")
    .attr("transform", function(d) { return "translate(" + d.x + "," + d.y + ")"; });

// here's the bit of code that makes the blocks breathe for you
var dest_min = 2, dest_max = 10, dest = dest_min;

// when floater is called:
// 1. it flips the destination
// 2. starts a transition to the new destination
// 3. asks to be called again when the transition reaches it
var floater = function() {
    if (dest == dest_min) {
        dest = dest_max;
    else {
        dest = dest_min; 
        .attr("dx", dest)
        .attr("dy", dest)
        .each("end", floater)

// start the whole business