block by denisemauldin ccad37ab30969f45b06e6b18f69bdd00

fresh block

Full Screen

Built with

forked from billshander‘s block: fresh block


    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <style type="text/css">
    orange #D0D2D3
    gold #d0ae3d
    purple #544766
    green #738c77
    medgrey #bcbec0
    darkgrey #58595b
        width: 500;
        height: 200; 
        fill: none;
        stroke: #738c77;
        stroke: #fff;
        stroke-width: 2;
        fill: #bcbec0;
        stroke: #fff;
        stroke-width: 2;
<script type="text/javascript">
        div: 'viz',
        total: {value: 3792, label: 'CASES'},
        in: {
            pending: [
                {value: 3192, label: 'Pending from 2015'},
                {value: 392, label: 'Pending from 2015 v 2'},
            nonpending: [
                {value: 490, label: 'Criminal Cases'},
                {value: 81, label: 'Family Cases'},
                {value: 29, label: 'Civil Cases'}
            categoryLabel: 'New Investigations'
        out: {
            pending: [
                {value: 3657, label: 'Cases Pending to 2017'}
            nonpending: [
                {value: 125, label: 'Criminal Cases'},
                {value: 10, label: 'Family Cases'},
                {value: 0, label: 'Civil Cases'}
            categoryLabel: 'Resolved Cases'

    function loadFlow(config){        
        var w = 1000;
        var h = 300;
        var c = [w/2,h/2];
        var r = 50;

        var svg ='body')
            .attr('width',w + w/20)

        var scale = d3.scaleLinear()
            .range([0,r * 2]);

        _.forEach(, function(val, key) {
                var yStart = 0;
                var yEnd = 0;
                var count = 0;
                _.forEach(val, function(lineval, linekey, obj) {
                    // start this line above at x=0 and y= 0 + half the height of the line + any previous line height
                    // lineCoords = [source xy, target xy]
                    // padCoords (same)
                    var lineCoords = [[0,yStart + scale(lineval.value)/2],[c[0],yEnd + c[1] - r + scale(lineval.value)/2]];
                    var padCoords = [[0,yStart + scale(lineval.value)],[c[0],yEnd + c[1] - r + scale(lineval.value)]];
                    // first just start it all at the source location, then animate it to the target location (the total circle, with appropriate y values based on line thickness and prev lines, etc.)
                        .attr('d', function(){
                            return "M" + lineCoords[0][0] + "," + lineCoords[0][1]
                                + "C" + (lineCoords[0][0] + lineCoords[0][0]) / 2 + "," + lineCoords[0][1]
                                + " " + (lineCoords[0][0] + lineCoords[0][0]) / 2 + "," + lineCoords[0][1]
                                + " " + lineCoords[0][0] + "," + lineCoords[0][1];
                        .attr('stroke-width', scale(lineval.value))
                        .delay((count*500) + 500)
                        .attr('d', function(){
                            return "M" + lineCoords[0][0] + "," + lineCoords[0][1]
                                + "C" + (lineCoords[0][0] + lineCoords[1][0]) / 2 + "," + lineCoords[0][1]
                                + " " + (lineCoords[0][0] + lineCoords[1][0]) / 2 + "," + lineCoords[1][1]
                                + " " + lineCoords[1][0] + "," + lineCoords[1][1];
                        .on('end',d => addPad(lineCoords,padCoords));

                    // also need to add a 2px stroke line on top of the last one, at the top edge of it...since we can't add a stroke to a line that is a stroke
                    function addPad(lineCoords,padCoords){
                        console.log("trigger after transition")
                            .attr('d', function(){
                                return "M" + padCoords[0][0] + "," + padCoords[0][1]
                                    + "C" + (padCoords[0][0] + padCoords[1][0]) / 2 + "," + padCoords[0][1]
                                    + " " + (padCoords[0][0] + padCoords[1][0]) / 2 + "," + padCoords[1][1]
                                    + " " + padCoords[1][0] + "," + padCoords[1][1];
                            .attr('stroke-width', 1)

                        yStart = yStart + scale(lineval.value);
                        yEnd = yEnd + scale(lineval.value);
                        count += 1;
                // add straight lines with y values at bottom and x values inset a bit