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Mobility Bubble Chart (Spring 2020)

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Mobility Rate by College Bubble Chart

This example will demonstrate how to implement a bubble chart in D3.js version 5 with legends using d3-legend by Susie Lu.

The data comes from Opportunity Insights, which is a “non-partisan, not-for-profit organization based at Harvard University” that puts out public datasets produced for on their research.

We will specifically use data from the Mobility Report Cards project. The dataset is titled “Mobility Report Cards: Preferred Estimates of Access and Mobility Rates by College” and can be accessed via these direct links:


The original CSV file is replicated on this gist to avoid CORS issues when viewing this example on or

We will filter this data to focus only on those universities located in California, which includes the University of San Francisco.


Tableau Prototype

Bubble Chart Prototype

See the Tableau Workbook for how to create this prototype. It is important to make sure count appears first on the marks card, which makes sure the smaller bubbles are drawn on top of the larger ones.

Below is the sheet description from Tableau to help rebuild it:

Description of “Mobility vs Income”

Median Parent Household Income vs. Mobility Rate. Color shows details about Trend of Parents in Bottom 20%. Size shows details about Average Children per Cohort. The marks are labeled by College Name. The data is filtered on State, which keeps CA.


The mark type is Circle. The marks are labeled by College Name. Stacked marks is off.


Label Renamed Field Original Field
Rows: Mobility Rate mr_kq5_pq1
Columns: Median Parent Household Income par_median
Filters: State state
Text: College Name name
Color: Trend of Parents in Bottom 20% trend_parq1
Size: Average Children per Cohort count



forked from sjengle‘s block: Mobility Bubble Chart (Spring 2020)



