Minecraft quiz

Try to guess the right answer and see how good you are!

Question (1/10):

How many Biomes are there?

Your guess
drag the bar to the estimated height
Draw your guess. Upon clicking here, you see if you're right.

Question (2/10):

How many times can you use a bow (not enchanted)?

0 times100 times200 times300 times400 times500 times600 times700 times
385 times
Your guess
drag the bar to the estimated height
Draw your guess. Upon clicking here, you see if you're right.

Question (3/10):

How many music discs are there?

Your guess
drag the bar to the estimated height
Draw your guess. Upon clicking here, you see if you're right.

Question (4/10):

What is the chance (in %) of getting poisoned eating raw chicken?

0.0 %20.0 %40.0 %60.0 %80.0 %100.0 %
30.0 %
Your guess
drag the bar to the estimated height
Draw your guess. Upon clicking here, you see if you're right.

Question (5/10):

How many stages of wheat are there?

Your guess
drag the bar to the estimated height
Draw your guess. Upon clicking here, you see if you're right.

Question (6/10):

How many different ores are there?

Your guess
drag the bar to the estimated height
Draw your guess. Upon clicking here, you see if you're right.

There are 6 different ores:
  • Coal
  • Iron
  • Diamond
  • Gold
  • Redstone
  • Lapis

Question (7/10):

How many Villager types that appear are there?

Your guess
drag the bar to the estimated height
Draw your guess. Upon clicking here, you see if you're right.

There are 5 different types of Villager: Villager, Butcher, Librarian, Priest, and Blacksmith

Question (8/10):

How many different types of cat are there?

Your guess
drag the bar to the estimated height
Draw your guess. Upon clicking here, you see if you're right.

There are 3 different types of cat: Tuxedo, Orange, Siamesse

Question (9/10):

From how many blocks away can a ghast see you?

0 blocks20 blocks40 blocks60 blocks80 blocks100 blocks120 blocks140 blocks
100 blocks
Your guess
drag the bar to the estimated height
Draw your guess. Upon clicking here, you see if you're right.

Question (10/10):

At how many blocks is the sea level?

0 blocks20 blocks40 blocks60 blocks80 blocks100 blocks
64 blocks
Your guess
drag the bar to the estimated height
Draw your guess. Upon clicking here, you see if you're right.