Enjoy this quiz

Try to guess the right answer and see how good you are!

Question 1/5 - flying chicken

What is the longest recorded flight (in seconds) of a chicken?

0.0 sec5.0 sec10.0 sec15.0 sec20.0 sec
13.0 sec
Your guess
drag the bar to the estimated height
Draw your guess. Upon clicking here, you see if you're right.

Question 2/5 - plants

What is the percentage of plant life on our planet found in the ocean?

0.0 %20.0 %40.0 %60.0 %80.0 %100.0 %
85.0 %
Your guess
drag the bar to the estimated height
Draw your guess. Upon clicking here, you see if you're right.

Question 3/5 - left handers

What is the percentage of people who are left handed?

0.0 %20.0 %40.0 %60.0 %80.0 %100.0 %
11.0 %
Your guess
drag the bar to the estimated height
Draw your guess. Upon clicking here, you see if you're right.

Question 4/5 - photocopier faults

What is the percentage of all photocopier faults caused by people sitting on them and photocopying their butts?

0.0 %20.0 %40.0 %60.0 %80.0 %100.0 %
23.0 %
Your guess
drag the bar to the estimated height
Draw your guess. Upon clicking here, you see if you're right.

Question 5/5 - Winter Olympics

How many volunteers have been helping at the corresponding Winter Olympics event?

Your guess
draw the graph from here to the end
Draw your guess. Upon clicking here, you see if you're right.