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d3 | voronoi for hotspots

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Voronoi for hotspots

Updated previous bl.ock which used transparent circles——this version using voronoi

Note: Toggle grid via button top right.



<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <title>d3 | hotspots | voronoi</title> 
  <meta name="author" content="Sundar Singh |">
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="main.css">
  <script src="//" charset="utf-8"></script> 

  <h1>move over planets</h1>
  <p>Duration in years to 'planets'</p>
  <nav><button id="grid-bt">VORONOI GRID</button></nav>
<section id="vis"></section>

<script src="d3_code_hotspots.js" charset="utf-8"></script>



(function() {
    'use strict';

    var data = [
            planet: 'Moon',
            shuttle: null,
            ionA: null,
            ionB: null,
            solarSail: null,
            poster: 0.134,
            jet: null,
            car: null,
            x: 120,
            y: 300,
            r: 60
            planet: 'Neptune',
            shuttle: 11.4,
            galileo: 5.9,
            ionA: 4.9,
            ionB:  0.490086, // 179d,
            solarSail: 1.6,
            poster: 1528,
            jet: 495,
            car: 4248,
            x: 365,
            y: 30,
            r: 30
            planet: 'Uranus',
            shuttle: 7.3,
            galileo: 3.8,
            ionA: 3.1,
            ionB: 0.309384,// 113d
            solarSail: 1,
            poster: 917,
            jet: 310,
            car: 2657,
            x: 440,
            y: 75,
            r: 30
            planet: 'Saturn',
            shuttle: 3.6,
            galileo: 1.8,
            ionA: 1.5   ,
            ionB: 0.150585, //55d
            solarSail: 0.490086 ,//179d
            poster: 425,
            jet: 145,
            car: 1244,
            x: 570,
            y: 75,
            r: 60
            planet: 'Nearest Star',
            shuttle: null,
            galileo: null,
            ionA: null,
            ionB: null,
            solarSail: null,
            poster: 425,
            jet: null,
            car: null,
            x: 608,
            y: 172,
            r: 5
            planet: 'Jupiter',
            shuttle: 1.9,
            galileo:    1,
            ionA: 0.829587, //303d
            ionB: 0.0848752,    //31d   
            solarSail:  0.273791,//100d
            poster: 209,
            jet: 71,
            car: 610,
            x: 705,
            y: 125,
            r: 55
            planet: 'Mars',
            shuttle: 0.574961,//210d
            galileo: 0.298432,//109d
            ionA: 0.246412 ,//90d
            ionB: 0.0246412,//9d
            solarSail: 0.0793994,//29d
            poster: 20,
            jet: 8,
            car: 71,
            x: 600,
            y: 300,
            r: 35
            planet: 'Pluto',
            shuttle: 15.1,
            galileo:    7.8,
            ionA:  6.5 ,
            ionB: 0.651622,//238d
            solarSail:  2.1,
            poster: 20,
            jet: 657,
            car: 5548,
            x: 867,
            y: 187,
            r: 25
            planet: 'Venus',
            shuttle: 0.273791,//100d
            galileo: 0.142371,//52d
            ionA: 0.11773,//43d
            ionB: 0.011773,//4.3d
            solarSail: 0.011773,//14d
            poster: 14,
            jet: 6,
            car: 46,
            x: 650,
            y: 418,
            r: 40
            planet: 'Sun',
            shuttle: null,
            galileo: null,
            ionA: null,
            ionB: null,
            solarSail: null,
            poster: 53,
            jet: 18,
            car: 152,
            x: 845,
            y: 410,
            r: 75
            planet: 'Mercury',
            shuttle: 0.142371,//52d
            galileo: 0.0739236,//   27d 
            ionA: 0.060234,//22d    
            ionB: 0.0060234,//2.2d  
            solarSail: 0.0199867,//7.3d
            poster: 28,
            jet: 11,
            car: 95,
            x: 930,
            y: 503,
            r: 30

    // console.log(data);

    // vars
    var width = 960,
        height = 630;
        // margin not used as want it to be flush

    var svg ='#vis').append('svg')
            width: width,
            height: height

    var voronoi = d3.geom.voronoi()
        .x(function(d) { return d.x; })
        .y(function(d) { return d.y; })
        .clipExtent([[0, 0], [width, height]]);

    //Initiate a group element to place the voronoi diagram in
    var voronoiGroup = svg.append('g')
        .attr('class', 'voronoiWrapper');

    // var to toggle grid true/false
    var toggleVoronoi = true;

    //Create the Voronoi grid
        .attr('d', function(d, i) { 
            console.log('M' + d.join('L') + 'Z');
            return 'M' + d.join('L') + 'Z'; 
        .datum(function(d) { return d.point; })
        .attr('class', function (d,i) { return ' v-' + i; })
        // .style('stroke', '#EC008C') // view cells
        .style('fill', 'none')
        .style('pointer-events', 'all')
        .on('mouseover', function(d, i) {
  'header h1').text(d.planet);
  'header p').html(
                '<span>Shuttle @ 28,000mph: </span>' + d.shuttle + '<br>' +
                '<span>Galileo @ 54,000mph: </span>' + d.galileo + '<br>' +
                '<span>Ion A @ 65,000mph: </span>' + d.ionA + '<br>' +
                '<span>Ion B @ 650,000mph: </span>' + d.ionB + '<br>' +
                '<span>Solar Sail @ 200,000mph: </span>' + d.solarSail + '<br>' +
                '<span id="poster">Poster time: ' + d.poster + ' </span><br>' +
                '<span>Jet plane @ 600mph: </span>' + d.jet + '<br>' +
                '<span>By car @ 70mph: </span>' + + '<br>' 
        .on('mouseout', function(d, i) {
            console.log('roll out');
        });'#grid-bt').on('click', function() {
        toggleVoronoi = !toggleVoronoi;

        if (!toggleVoronoi) {
            d3.selectAll('.voronoiWrapper path').style('stroke', '#EC008C');
        } else {
            d3.selectAll('.voronoiWrapper path').style('stroke', 'none');




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