Cartograms distort geography to encode data. In this case, we’re looking at the demography of US counties laid out using the constraints available d3’s forceSimulation. Counties are positioned based on their centroid but sized based on demography, so more populated counties of that demographic will deform the position of nearby counties.
Demographics from
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<title>Force-Based Cartogram</title>
body {
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<script src="keys.js"></script>
var colors = [
var selectedValue = "tot_pop"
var selectedIndex = 0
var sizeRange = [1.5,50]
d3.csv("county_demo.csv", cartogram)
function cartogram(data) {
var dataKeys = Object.keys(keys)
data.forEach(d => {
dataKeys.forEach(k => {
d[k] = parseInt(d[k])
var thisKeyValues = => d[selectedValue])
var extent = d3.extent(thisKeyValues)
var scale = d3.scaleLinear().domain(extent).range(sizeRange)
var colorScale = d3.scaleCluster().domain(thisKeyValues).range(colors)
var force = d3.forceSimulation()
.force("collision", d3.forceCollide(d => scale(d[selectedValue])).iterations(2))
.force("x", d3.forceX(d =>
.force("y", d3.forceY(d =>
.on("tick", updateCartogram)
.on("end", resetCartogram)"svg")
.attr("class", "node")
.style("stroke-width", 2)"svg").append("text")
.style("text-anchor", "middle")
.attr("class", "title")
.text("Total Population")
.style("font-size", "36px")
.attr("x", 600)
.attr("y", 50)
function updateCartogram() {
.attr("cx", d => d.x)
.attr("cy", d => d.y)
function resetCartogram() {
selectedIndex = selectedIndex === dataKeys.length ? 0 : selectedIndex + 1
selectedValue = dataKeys[selectedIndex]"text.title")
thisKeyValues = => d[selectedValue])
extent = d3.extent(thisKeyValues)
scale = d3.scaleLinear().domain(extent).range(sizeRange)
colorScale = d3.scaleCluster().domain(thisKeyValues).range(colors)
force.force("collision", d3.forceCollide(d => scale(d[selectedValue])).iterations(2))
function redrawNodes() {
.style("fill", d => colorScale(d[selectedValue]))
.style("stroke", d => d3.hsl(colorScale(d[selectedValue])).darker())
.attr("r", d => scale(d[selectedValue]))
var keys = {
tot_pop: "Total population",
tot_male: "Total population, male",
tot_female: "Total population, female",
nh_male: "Total population, non‐Hispanic male",
nh_female: "Total population, non‐Hispanic female",
h_male: "Total population, Hispanic male",
h_female: "Total population, Hispanic female",
wa_male: "Total population, White male",
wa_female: "Total population, White female",
ba_male: "Total population, Black male",
ba_female: "Total population, Black female",
ia_male: "Total population, American Indian/Alaska Native male",
ia_female: "Total population, American Indian/Alaska Native female",
aa_male: "Total population, Asian male",
aa_female: "Total population, Asian female",
na_male: "Total population, Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander male",
na_female: "Total population, Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander female",
tom_male: "Total population, Two or more races male",
tom_female: "Total population, Two or more races female",
nhwa_male: "White male alone, not Hispanic or Latino",
nhwa_female: "White female alone, not Hispanic or Latino",
nhba_male: "Black male alone, not Hispanic or Latino",
nhba_female: "Black female alone, not Hispanic or Latino",
nhia_male: "American Indian or Alaska Native male, not Hispanic or Latino",
nhia_female: "American Indian or Alaska Native female, not Hispanic or Latino",
nhaa_male: "Asian male, not Hispanic or Latino",
nhaa_female: "Asian female, not Hispanic or Latino",
nhna_male: "Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander male alone, not Hispanic or Latino",
nhna_female: "Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander female alone, not Hispanic or Latino",
nhtom_male: "Two or more races male, not Hispanic or Latino",
nhtom_female: "Two or more races female, not Hispanic or Latino",
hwa_male: "White male alone, Hispanic or Latino",
hwa_female: "White female alone, Hispanic or Latino",
hba_male: "Black male alone, Hispanic or Latino",
hba_female: "Black female alone, Hispanic or Latino",
hia_male: "American Indian or Alaska Native male, Hispanic or Latino",
hia_female: "American Indian or Alaska Native female, Hispanic or Latino",
haa_male: "Asian male, Hispanic or Latino",
haa_female: "Asian female, Hispanic or Latino",
hna_male: "Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander male alone, Hispanic or Latino",
hna_female: "Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander male alone, Hispanic or Latino",
htom_male: "Two or more races male, not Hispanic or Latino",
htom_female: "Two or more races female, not Hispanic or Latino"