block by emeeks 894ff63d02551badfc75536d77dcd49c

Cartogram to Bubble Chart

Full Screen

Taking advantage of the forceSimulation-based nature of the cartogram to switch to a bubble chart using the same data.

Demographics from


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    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    <title>Force-Based Cartogram to Bubble Chart</title>
      body {
        padding: 0;
        margin: 0;


    version="1.1" id="Ebene_1" xmlns="//" xmlns:xlink="//" >

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="keys.js"></script>

var colors = [

var selectedValue = "tot_pop"
var selectedIndex = 0
var sizeRange = [1.5,50]
var notcarto = true

d3.csv("county_demo.csv", cartogram)

function cartogram(data) {

  var dataKeys = Object.keys(keys)

  data.forEach(d => {
    dataKeys.forEach(k => {
      d[k] = parseInt(d[k])

  var thisKeyValues = => d[selectedValue])

  var extent = d3.extent(thisKeyValues)

  var scale = d3.scaleLinear().domain(extent).range(sizeRange)
  var colorScale = d3.scaleCluster().domain(thisKeyValues).range(colors)

  var force = d3.forceSimulation()
  .force("collision", d3.forceCollide(d => scale(d[selectedValue])).iterations(2))
  .force("x", d3.forceX(d =>
  .force("y", d3.forceY(d =>
  .on("tick", updateCartogram)
  .on("end", resetCartogram)"svg")
    .attr("class", "node")
    .style("stroke-width", 2)"svg").append("text")
    .style("text-anchor", "middle")
    .attr("class", "title")
    .text("Total Population")
    .style("font-size", "36px")
    .attr("x", 600)
    .attr("y", 50)


  function updateCartogram() {
      .attr("cx", d => d.x)
      .attr("cy", d => d.y)

  function resetCartogram() {
    if (notcarto) {
      selectedIndex = selectedIndex === dataKeys.length ? 0 : selectedIndex + 1
      selectedValue = dataKeys[selectedIndex]"text.title")

      thisKeyValues = => d[selectedValue])
      extent = d3.extent(thisKeyValues)

      scale = d3.scaleLinear().domain(extent).range(sizeRange)
      colorScale = d3.scaleCluster().domain(thisKeyValues).range(colors)

      force.force("collision", d3.forceCollide(d => scale(d[selectedValue])).iterations(2))
      .force("x", d3.forceX(d =>
      .force("y", d3.forceY(d =>

    else {
      var positionScale = d3.scaleCluster().domain(thisKeyValues).range([200,400,600,800,1000])
      .force("x", d3.forceX(d => positionScale(d[selectedValue])))
      .force("y", d3.forceY(400))

      notcarto = !notcarto

  function redrawNodes() {
      .style("fill", d => colorScale(d[selectedValue]))
      .style("stroke", d => d3.hsl(colorScale(d[selectedValue])).darker())
      .attr("r", d => scale(d[selectedValue]))





var keys = {
	tot_pop: "Total population",
	tot_male: "Total population, male",
	tot_female: "Total population, female",
	nh_male: "Total population, non‐Hispanic male",
	nh_female: "Total population, non‐Hispanic female",
	h_male: "Total population, Hispanic male",
	h_female: "Total population, Hispanic female",
	wa_male: "Total population, White male",
	wa_female: "Total population, White female",
	ba_male: "Total population, Black male",
	ba_female: "Total population, Black female",
	ia_male: "Total population, American Indian/Alaska Native male",
	ia_female: "Total population, American Indian/Alaska Native female",
	aa_male: "Total population, Asian male",
	aa_female: "Total population, Asian female",
	na_male: "Total population, Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander male",
	na_female: "Total population, Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander female",
	tom_male: "Total population, Two or more races male",
	tom_female: "Total population, Two or more races female",
	nhwa_male: "White male alone, not Hispanic or Latino",
	nhwa_female: "White female alone, not Hispanic or Latino",
	nhba_male: "Black male alone, not Hispanic or Latino",
	nhba_female: "Black female alone, not Hispanic or Latino",
	nhia_male: "American Indian or Alaska Native male, not Hispanic or Latino",
	nhia_female: "American Indian or Alaska Native female, not Hispanic or Latino",
	nhaa_male: "Asian male, not Hispanic or Latino",
	nhaa_female: "Asian female, not Hispanic or Latino",
	nhna_male: "Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander male alone, not Hispanic or Latino",
	nhna_female: "Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander female alone, not Hispanic or Latino",
	nhtom_male: "Two or more races male, not Hispanic or Latino",
	nhtom_female: "Two or more races female, not Hispanic or Latino",
	hwa_male: "White male alone, Hispanic or Latino",
	hwa_female: "White female alone, Hispanic or Latino",
	hba_male: "Black male alone, Hispanic or Latino",
	hba_female: "Black female alone, Hispanic or Latino",
	hia_male: "American Indian or Alaska Native male, Hispanic or Latino",
	hia_female: "American Indian or Alaska Native female, Hispanic or Latino",
	haa_male: "Asian male, Hispanic or Latino",
	haa_female: "Asian female, Hispanic or Latino",
	hna_male: "Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander male alone, Hispanic or Latino",
	hna_female: "Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander male alone, Hispanic or Latino",
	htom_male: "Two or more races male, not Hispanic or Latino",
	htom_female: "Two or more races female, not Hispanic or Latino"