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Networks - Graphs 2

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Graph Example 2 for How to Create Effective Network Data Visualization

Changing the network topology interactively. Nodes or edges can be removed by double-clicking on them. This filters the corresponding entries in the node and edge arrays, re-applies them to the force layout, and exits the necessary elements.

This requires setting key values for the selection when the data-binding is done.

It also introduces SVG:g elements for edges, so that a much thicker, fully-transparent under-edge can be created not only to increase the interaction surface for the edge but also to provide visual feedback (the blue highlighting) when a user mouses over the edge.

For exploratory and explanatory network data visualization, interactivity like this can be very effective to demonstrate the importance or unimportance of certain nodes or edges. Allowing for changes to network topology by the user also promote network literacy, which is critical for organizations that intend to use network data visualization effectively.

