World tour using Wikipedia Map guidelines, more precisely the soon to come new globe locator convention.
Inspired from Jason Davies world tour, merged into my localisator code.
V.2 Change log
This code is a second wave of customization.
- Base: Own made Wikiatlas localisator and some of Jason Davies codes.
- Dependencies: Migration to topojson v.1.0
- CSS: migration to Wikipedia map guidelines and internalize to svg
- JS: removed Jason Davies more accurate spherical interpolation.
- JS: removed smooth transition (not relevant to our needs)
- JS: added red geoframe for areas smaller than 15 steradians.
- use of d3.geo.centroid(feature) to place it
- use of d3.geo.bounds(feature) to get a bounding box with +5⁰ margins on each side
- use of d3.geo.area(feature) to conditionally display a frame
V.3 ideas
In a 3rd wave of customization, this code could be refactored to reduce code redundancies.
The loop on data’s .countries
should in order recalculate the bounding box, run the localisator with conditional framing, print the file, before to go to i+1.
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