Graph of several representatives dimensions:
Reading out relationships : from graphic patterns to dimensional relationships.
Note: you should select and drag axis to display the given axis side by side.
x ⇔ -x : lines crossings around a given point = negative relationship.
x ⇔ x^ (x2): lines somewhat parallel with increating gaps = positive relationship (correlation), with expentional property
x ⇔ ax (2x): lines mostly parallel with exactly similar gaps = positive relationship (correlation), with exactly linear property
x ⇔ x+b : lines mostly parallel with exactly similar gaps and different values in axis = positive relationship (correlation), with exactly linear property, plus translation
x ⇔ 1/x : lines somewhat converging with decreating gaps = negative relationship (invert), with expentional property
x ⇔ random : lines crossing all around forming a messy net = no specific relationship.
My data:
Reading out relationships for car ownership: from graphic patterns to dimensional relationships.
Note: you should select and drag axis to display the given axis side by side.
Interval Horsepower (x) ⇔ $ saved/day (-x): lines crossings around a given point = negative relationship.
Interval Horsepower (x) ⇔ Price (x2): lines somewhat parallel with increating gaps = positive relationship (correlation), with expentional property
Interval Horsepower (x) ⇔ Owner income (2x): lines mostly parallel with exactly similar gaps = positive relationship (correlation), with exactly linear property
Interval Horsepower (x) ⇔ Weight (x+b): lines mostly parallel with exactly similar gaps and different values in Owner incomeis = positive relationship (correlation), with exactly linear property, plus translation
Interval Horsepower (x) ⇔ h/100miles (1/x): lines somewhat converging with decreating gaps = negative relationship (invert), with expentional property
Interval Horsepower (x) ⇔ Smarties in car (random): lines crossing all around forming a messy net = no specific relationship.