block by john-guerra 7031ce041cb07a4053d56059a5d67005

Colored Wavy Treemap

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Just adding some random colors from Shneiderman’s Treemap art to @Kcnarf’s block

This block is a recreation, inspired from [] (, and is more or less data art.

This block is forked from mbostock‘s block: Nested Treemap, and hence vizualises the treemap of the famous flare.csv.

Even if this block is a recreation, the technique can be used to distord the treemap in order to fit a particular contour/shape. I will experiment this in another block.

Acknowledgments to:

forked from Kcnarf‘s block: Wavy Treemap

forked from anonymous‘s block: Wavy Treemap

forked from anonymous‘s block: Wavy Treemap

