block by john-guerra fb39ff1e5d73fdb85cc13935e3eb8f1d

Blocks Graph with forceInABox

Full Screen

Modifyied @mbostock Blocks Graph to use my ForceInABox Library that distributes the nodes on the screen first by users and then by clusters computed with netClustering.

Original readme:

This shows the force-directed network of mentions in the READMEs of various bl.ocks. I cleaned Micah Stubb’s data from May 2016 slightly: I removed missing nodes, solitary nodes, self-links, and redundant links. The original dataset contains 2,101 nodes and 8,617 links, and is 1.2 MB. The cleaned dataset contains 1,238 nodes and 2,602 links, and is 281 KB.

forked from mbostock‘s block: Blocks Graph
