This example shows how to accomodate for a long computational time in the end event callback of the first of two chained transitions.
The solution is to add a delay to the second transition that is equal to or larger than the computational time.
See the problem in action here.
- 0 s:
- A small red rectangle is drawn
- The first transition is scheduled to start at 2 s and end at 8 s
- The second transition is scheduled to start at 8 s (after the first plus a delay of 2 s) and end at 12 s
- 2 s:
- The first transition starts and calls its event callback
- The small rectangle starts to grow to a medium size rectange
- 6 s:
- The first transition ends and calls its event callback
- 10 s:
- The first transtion end event callback returns after wasting 2 s
- The second transition starts
- The rectangle starts to grow to a large rectangle and fade to blue
- 12 s:
- The second transition ends
Open the console if you want to see timestamped events during the transitions.
Note: a bug in d3-timer that is fixed, but at the time of this writing not yet released, requires this example to use a non official d3-timer.min.js.