blocks by mgold

Wheat Plot


Zukei Puzzle Solver

Ellipse Interpolation

Basis Vectors

Brady Campaign vs. the NRA on Senators

A script to help installing elm packages.

Toggle in Elm

Restartable timer

65 Years

Triangle Centers

Perlin noise in Elm (requires mgold/elm-random-pcg)

Dice roll probabilities

Spherical Coordinates


Sine animation (Elm 0.15.1)

The 2-adic Numbers

Elm mailbox revamp

Using Mailboxes in Elm: a tutorial blog post


Knight D3 Module 6

Knight D3 Modules 5

Knight D3 Module 4

Forested Land Area by Country

Knight D3 Module 2

Multi-Series Line Chart Demoing Selection Groups

Zoom Buttons III

Zoom Buttons II

Zoom Buttons I

Testing d3.bullet

Viennese Maze

Find the smallest CIDR block that contains two IPAddrs, in Ruby.

A spinning canvas on which you can paint. Try it:

An infinite grid of black and white pixels in your browser. Try the t, b, w, and c keys after clicking and dragging on this page:

A fun sploosh ball, written in Elm. See it:

A screensaver written in Elm ( Just about everything is sinusoidal. See it at:

Translates hexidecimal digits into ASCII art, with the brightness correlated to the magnitude of the digit. The input may be either ASCII hex (either upper or lowercase) digits or machine values. Try it on random data, or the compiled executable of the program (and vary your terminal width). An octal version is also available.

Translates octal digits into ASCII art, with the brightness correlated to the magnitude of the digit. The input may be either ASCII octal digits or machine octal. Try it on random data, or the compiled executable of the program (and vary your terminal width). A hexidecimal version is also available.

Play with the differences between linear values, quadratic values, exponential values, and whatever else you like.