This is an example of how to create a shaded relief raster with a vector map overlay (using SVG and d3.js).
Step 1 was to create the raster. I used tiled GeoTiffs from the SRTM
project, downloading four tiles that completed a map of Costa Rica. To
combine the tiff files into a single raster with the correct projection and
dimensions, I used gdalwarp
gdalwarp \
-r lanczos \
-te -250000 -156250 250000 156250 \
-t_srs "+proj=aea +lat_1=8 +lat_2=11.5 +lat_0=9.7 +lon_0=-84.2 +x_0=0 +y_0=0" \
-ts 960 0 \
srtm_19_10.tif \
srtm_20_10.tif \
srtm_19_11.tif \
srtm_20_11.tif \
The t_srs
option sets an albers equal area projection that will center on
Costa Rica. The te
option defines the extent of the map, using SRS
coordinates. I don’t fully understand how this works and used some trial and
error. Note that the x/y has a ratio of 1.6, the same as the intended output
resolution (960x600).
Note that the projection here mirrors the projection set in index.html
Step 2 is to create, from this GeoTiff file, two images: one, grayscale, that represents “shade” — given a certain direction of sunlight, it simulates the effect of light on the relief map:
gdaldem \
hillshade \
relief.tiff \
hill-relief-shaded.tiff \
-z 4 -az 20
The second image is a “color relief” that
maps certain colors to certain elevations. The color_relief.txt
file provides
this information in the format: elevation r g b
gdaldem \
color-relief \
relief.tiff \
color_relief.txt \
hill-relief-c.tiff \
These files are combined using the program
: \
hill-relief-c.tiff \
hill-relief-shaded.tiff \