block by mpmckenna8 10608840

CSS styling some topojson data D3

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So I did a topojson dataset which also has the some points for labels so maybe one day I’ll append some text to this bad boy.

What I typed into the terminal to make the topojson:

sfBOS matthewmckenna$ topojson \

-o sfbosArc.json
labelSFbosD3.geojson bounds: -122.49272855226758 37.715893280886796 -122.37087002221702 37.82289853793412 (spherical) pre-quantization: 0.0136m (1.22e-7°) 0.0119m (1.07e-7°) topology: 0 arcs, 0 points post-quantization: 1.36m (0.0000122°) 1.19m (0.0000107°) prune: retained 0 / 0 arcs (NaN%)
