block by pbogden 5c09aa450bc9448cf65f3fcd52034113

final - spring 2017

Full Screen

Here goes…

  1. Plot the counties in California
  2. Use another projection
  3. Use California state plane coordinates
  4. Instead of counties, plot the last week’s worth of earthquakes
  5. Turn the earthquakes red
  6. Turn an earthquake yellow when you mouse over it
  7. Turn an earthquake back to red when you move your mouse away from it
  8. When mousing over an earthquake, indicate the “place” and “magnitude” with the tooltip
  9. Make the ocean blue
  10. Make the land green

By the way, you might need this:

California state plane: Conic Conformal
    Latitude of origin: 36 deg 30' N 
    Central Meridian: - 120 deg 30' E 
    Standard Parallel #1: 38 deg 26' N 
    Standard Parallel #2: 37 deg 4' N

