Q1: Are patients getting younger?

Hypothesis: as FRF operates for a longer time, they should eventually catch all of the older patients that need surgery, and patient age should get younger over time. Is this true?

Lets graph Age of patient against OperationDate (note, this is for all surgeries in the database):

Looks like the answer is no. Lets confirm by looking at yearly stats:

## Source: local data frame [7 x 5]
##   OperationYear MedianAge   AvgAge StDevAge NumberOfPatients
## 1          2010     1.885 5.148868 7.201965              106
## 2          2011     2.015 4.824274 6.032566              124
## 3          2012     1.215 4.277736 6.979455              106
## 4          2013     3.090 6.288034 6.959233              117
## 5          2014     2.550 6.163566 6.770179              129
## 6          2015     4.510 7.329027 7.050599              113
## 7            NA        NA       NA       NA               80

A1: Patient age at the time of surgery is definitely not going down.