Want to learn how to turn
This is how:
# Code derived from that presented at Columbia University's STAT W4240
k.means.to.image <- function(im.mat, K, palette) {
# image im.mat, number of clusters K # coerce image into matrix
orig.dim <- dim(im.mat)
new.im <- im.mat
dim(new.im) <- c(orig.dim[1]*orig.dim[2],3)
k.list <- kmeans(new.im,K) # Do K means!
out.im <- mat.or.vec(orig.dim[1]*orig.dim[2],3)
palette = col2rgb(palette) / 255
# FIRST, FIND the average color that was mapped to k
tmp <- aaply(k.list$centers, 1, each(min, max))
lightness <- aaply(tmp, 1, mean)
re_lit <- rank(lightness)
for (k in 1:K){
out.im[(k.list$cluster==k),1] <- palette['red', K + 1 - re_lit[[k]]]
out.im[(k.list$cluster==k),2] <- palette['green', K + 1 - re_lit[[k]]]
out.im[(k.list$cluster==k),3] <- palette['blue', K + 1 - re_lit[[k]]]}
# Re-coerce new image to original size
dim(out.im) <- orig.dim
require(jpeg); require(plyr)
## Loading required package: jpeg
## Loading required package: plyr
pic <- readJPEG("headshot.jpg")
shep_palette <- c("#FFF1C4", "#C2D8C5", "#60989B", "#00415D", "#E31C23")
writeJPEG(k.means.to.image(pic, 4, shep_palette), "shep_headshot.jpg")
## List of 9
## $ cluster : int [1:1004544] 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ...
## $ centers : num [1:4, 1:3] 0.482 0.662 0.233 0.854 0.397 ...
## ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
## .. ..$ : chr [1:4] "1" "2" "3" "4"
## .. ..$ : NULL
## $ totss : num 174682
## $ withinss : num [1:4] 1304 2237 1431 1614
## $ tot.withinss: num 6586
## $ betweenss : num 168097
## $ size : int [1:4] 111327 147347 137699 608171
## $ iter : int 3
## $ ifault : int 0
## - attr(*, "class")= chr "kmeans"