block by ramnathv 8969477


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This is a rewrite of the mapping code used in this post by Diego Valle. It basically replaces all the boilerplate code with the ichoropleth function in rMaps, which wraps it, allowing easier reuse. Please follow the code from the original post to the get the shapefiles, topojson and data. My note will start with the dataset hom.

d1 <- ichoropleth(rate ~ name, data = hom, ncuts = 9, pal = 'YlOrRd', 
  animate = 'year',  map = 'states'
  geographyConfig = list(
   dataUrl = "mx_states.json"
 scope = 'states',
 setProjection = '#! function( element, options ) {
   var projection, path;
   projection = d3.geo.mercator()
    .center([-89, 21]).scale(element.offsetWidth)
    .translate([element.offsetWidth / 2, element.offsetHeight / 2]);

   path = d3.geo.path().projection( projection );
   return {path: path, projection: projection};
  } !#'
d1$save('index.html', cdn = T)

You can publish this chart without leaving the comfort of R using the following lines of code (assuming you have a github account)

# NOTE: DO NOT load rCharts before, since it interferes with rMaps currently.
  create_gist(c('index.html', 'mx_states.json')), 
  viewer = ''

Not bad for a few lines of R code!