This is a demo of how to get plotly
events back to shiny
Let us start by loading required libraries and preparing data. We use the ubiquitous mtcars
# Load Libraries ----
# Prepare Data ---
mtcars$name = rownames(mtcars)
The UI for our shiny application is fairly simple. It consists of a plotly
plot and a textOutput
that displays some details of the point being hovered on.
ui <- fluidPage(
The server requires more work. First, we need a modified version of renderPlotly
, that is able to accept a htmlwidget as an argument. This is required since the renderPlotly
function runs its arguments through an as.widget
function that assumes that the expression has not been converted into a widget. This matters because we want to add ome post-render behavior to the widget.
renderPlotly2 <- function (expr, env = parent.frame(), quoted = FALSE){
if (!quoted) {
expr <- substitute(expr)
shinyRenderWidget(expr, plotlyOutput, env, quoted = TRUE)
The next thing to do is to write a javascript function that would define the behavior on hover. This function takes the same arguments as the renderValue
function in htmlwidgets
. It uses Shiny.onInputChange
to pass data back to the shiny server. The idea is that input$hover_data
now becomes available to the server.
addHoverBehavior <- "function(el, x){
el.on('plotly_hover', function(data){
var infotext ={
return ([d.pointNumber]+': x= '+d.x+', y= '+d.y.toPrecision(3));
Shiny.onInputChange('hover_data', infotext)
Now, it is time to write our server
function, and pass this hover behavior to the widget. The key here is the onRender
function that allows you to inject post-render behavior to a widget. This function is in the github
master of htmlwidgets
and can be installed by running install_github("ramnathv/htmlwidgets")
. So our server function becomes.
server <- function(input, output){
output$hover <- renderText({
output$myplot <- renderPlotly2({
p <- plot_ly(mtcars, x = mpg, y = wt, color = gear, name = name, mode = "markers")
as.widget(p) %>% onRender(addHoverBehavior)
Time to run the shiny app now
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)