Dimple with Knitr

Let us first get the data

data <- read.delim("//pmsi-alignalytics.github.io/dimple/data/example_data.tsv")
### eliminate . to avoid confusion in javascript
colnames(data) <- gsub("[.]", "", colnames(data))

Let us now plot it.

d1 <- dPlot(SalesValue ~ Price, groups = c("SKU", "Channel", "Owner"), data = subset(data, 
    Date == "01/12/2012"), type = "bubble", height = 400, width = 590, bounds = list(x = 60, 
    y = 30, width = 420, height = 330))
d1$xAxis(type = "addMeasureAxis")
d1$yAxis(type = "addMeasureAxis")
d1$legend(x = 530, y = 100, width = 60, height = 300, horizontalAlign = "right")