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Rmdir - removed long file & folder paths 📁 in command prompt

Rmdir (rd)

Removes (that is, deletes) a directory.


rmdir [Drive:]Path [/s] [/q]
rd [Drive:]Path [/s] [/q]


[Drive:]Path: Specifies the location and name of the directory that you want to delete.

/s: Removes the specified directory and all subdirectories including any files. Use /s to remove a tree.

/q: Runs rmdir in quiet mode. Deletes directories without confirmation.

/?: Displays help at the command prompt.


The rmdir command, with different parameters, is available from the Recovery Console.

You cannot delete a directory that contains files, including hidden or system files. If you attempt to do so, the following message appears:

The directory not empty

Use the dir command to list hidden and system files, and the attrib command to remove hidden and system attributes from files.

If you insert a backslash () before the first directory name in path, the directory is treated as a subdirectory of the root directory, regardless of your current directory. If you do not insert a backslash before the first directory name in path, the directory is treated as a subdirectory of the current directory.

You cannot use rmdir to delete the current directory. You must first change to a different directory (not a subdirectory of the current directory) and then use rmdir with a path. If you attempt to delete the current directory, the following message appears:

The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.


To delete a directory named UserSmith, first ensure that the directory is empty. To do this, type:

dir usersmith /a

Only the . and .. symbols should display.

Then, from any directory except UserSmith, type:

rmdir usersmith

To delete the directory User and all of the subdirectories and files, type:

rmdir /s user

Formatting legend

Format Meaning
Italic Information that the user must supply
Bold Elements that the user must type exactly as shown
Ellipsis (…) Parameter that can be repeated several times in a command line
Between brackets ([]) Optional items
Between braces ({}); choices separated by pipe ( ). Example: {even
Courier font Code or program output




Command-line reference A-Z