block by roachhd 2e29da9deec271d84df9

Animate.css cos I luv 😍 it

Full Screen

animate.css for blondes

Setting up some demos and cheatsheets for a blog post 😀

######Extra stuffs call the animation on hover of an element

````javascript function animationHover(element, animation){ element = $(element); element.hover( function() { element.addClass(‘animated ‘ + animation);
}, function(){ //waits animation to finish before removing classes window.setTimeout( function(){ element.removeClass(‘animated ‘ + animation); }, 2000);
}); }


######Animate `<body>` tag

You can add the class via JS after the page is loaded rather than in the `HTML` file:

$(document).ready( {
   $(".body").addClass("animated fadeInDown");
} );
