# Let's make the Web prettier. Markdown.css is better default styling for your Markdown files. It's heavily inspired by the [Space](//getspace.org) WordPress theme. This page is itself a Markdown file using the `markdown.css` stylesheet. View the source code [here](//kevinburke.bitbucket.org/markdowncss/index.md). ### Sample File View a sample file that implements most of the Markdown spec [here](//kevinburke.bitbucket.org/markdowncss/sample.html). ### Get Started Just add the following line to the top of your `.markdown` files: ##### Note: For the markdown to parse correctly, you need to add the closing `` tag. This is not technically correct HTML, but it will parse in any browser. ### Contribute Let's make the Web prettier. Add your own Markdown theme, or contribute to mine, [here](//bitbucket.org/kevinburke/markdowncss).