block by seemantk 642d5e51f37e51a1b435bf296c881277

Flight Paths Edge Bundling

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Visualizes flights between airports in the continental United States using edge bundling. The code can be easily modified to either show the top 50 airports by degree or the highest degree airport in each state.

Code has been modified to show all airports (rendered in SVG) and all flights (rendered on canvas).

This example combines our map and graph visualizations together in a single visualization. It demonstrates map projections, topojson, force-directed layouts, and edge bundling.

The following links may be useful for understanding this example:


The original data for this example is from the Voronoi Arc Map bl.ock and the Airports example by Mike Bostock.

The Flight Patterns work by Aaron Koblin and Force Directed Edge Bundling for Graph Visualization paper by Danny Holten and Jarke J. van Wijk are also inspirations for this example.

forked from sjengle‘s block: Flight Paths Edge Bundling

