block by seemantk 7e7f5fbd254a2836af9e615df8944b61

Bat-symbol with Eyes

Full Screen

Using lessons learned from adding halos, this set is actually the 2nd attempt. The eyes are initially done by adding to squares, converting them to paths, and then combining them into one path.

That path was then cloned for every single batlogo that needed eyes. Further, the eyes path has to sit on top of a batlogo path, before the two of them are combined.

As a last step, all eye paths must also be converted to curves instead of lines.

There were two special cases which were able to be handled by adding the eye shapes. The first one is the 75th anniversary logo, which now has a complete ā€œ5ā€ in it. The second is two initial gaps in the BvS logo, to start carving out the ā€˜Sā€™ shape

