block by srinivashavanur 17de3e6a46bee7522772

Rule of thumb (Visual Implementation 5)

Full Screen

Problem Statement

Use D3, Tableau, R, or Excel to demonstrate one of the following rules of thumb:

no unjustified 3D: perspective distortion

no unjustified 3D: occlusion hides information

no unjustified 2D

eyes beat memory: animation vs. side-by-side views

overview first, zoom and filter, details on demand

responsiveness is required: latency and interaction design

get it right in black and white

You should create 2 versions of your visualization (which may include more than one chart depending on the rule). One version should break the rule of thumb and the other version should correct it.

Name: Srinivas Havanur

Assignment: CS 725 - VI5 submission

Course: Information Visualization

Semester: Spring 2016

Built with

Data is obtained from the medicare website


From the above dataset, I calculated the average cost of Cardio Vascular Stress test of various states in United States which is provided in medicare.tsv file that is attached.

1.Breaking the rule of thumb: Here the average cost of cardio vascular stress test is represented in the heatmap as shown. As you can see from the map, the most important item i.e the state with the highest average cost of cardio vascular stress test is hard to determine just by looking at it. This is because, average cost of all the states are encoded with solid black color without making use of luminance channel. But it can be determined by hovering the mouse over each of the states to know the details which is quite time consuming.


2.Correcting by rule of thumb: The rule of thumb is corrected by using luminance channel to use appropriate luminance contrast to represent it for the most important attribute i.e the state with the least average cost is represented using lower luminance contrast and the state with the highest average cost is represented using higher luminance contrast which is as shown. Hence by looking at the graph, one can get to know which state has the highest average cost for cardio vascular stress test medical procedure.


