block by srinivashavanur 59c67178982d192c79ddacff46388995

Visual Implementation 10 (Scatterplot matrix with Linked Highlighting)

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Name: Srinivas Havanur

Assignment: CS 725 - VI10 submission

Course: Information Visualization

Semester: Spring 2016

Description: The graph shown above is the scatterplot matrix which is mainly used to determine the linear correlation between multiple attributes. Here four different attributes are used to determine correlation. They are Passing Attempts, Passing TD, Rushing Attempts, Rushing TD. Color coding is done based on 3 grouping conferences Big Five, Group of Five, Independent. Along with this, linked highlighting is implemented to compare the values for different attributes.

Design Choices made:

  1. Initially, I thought of developing different scatterplots to compare the values using linked highlighting. I rejected this because, there are lot of rework involved to implement this type of visualization.

  2. Second, I thought to implement small multiples to generate scatterplots, this would result into too many graphs so I rejected this.

  3. Third, I wanted to implement detail on demand scatterplot but this was already implemented in the last assignment and hence rejected this design too.

