block by steveharoz 594f4f52571a0e7b65eb733210bca598

Example data for analysis

Sample output

Raw data with linear fit per subject*condition


Scaled by subject


Data dictionary

ANOVA output

Type III Analysis of Variance Table with Kenward-Roger's method
                 Sum Sq Mean Sq NumDF DenDF  F value    Pr(>F)    
color            162.89   81.45     2     8  77.4008 5.831e-06 ***
size             689.89  689.89     1     4 655.6223 1.382e-05 ***
shape            778.51  778.51     1     4 739.8398 1.086e-05 ***
color:size         0.87    0.43     2     8   0.4126    0.6753    
color:shape        3.85    1.92     2     8   1.8277    0.2219    
size:shape       662.96  662.96     1     4 630.0301 1.496e-05 ***
color:size:shape   0.91    0.45     2     8   0.4308    0.6642    

generate graph analyze.R