horseexportsEU <- read.delim(
#Get a "long" edge list from the 2d data table 

# When is what looks like a number to us not a number?
#Turn the numbers into numbers by removing the comma, then casting to an integer 
x$value2=as.integer(as.character(gsub(",", "", x$value, fixed = TRUE) ))

#More tidying...
#1) If we have an NA (null/empty) value, make it -1 
x$value2[ is.na(x$value2) ] = -1 
#2) Column names with countries that originally contained spaces uses dots in place of spaces. Undo that. 
x$variable=gsub(".", " ", x$variable, fixed = TRUE)

#I want to export a subset of the data 
#name columns as what is expected by plugin
colnames(xt) <- c("target","source","value")
#need to make names in source and target different to prevent infinite loop
xt$source <- paste0(xt$source,"[export]")

sankeyPlot <- rCharts$new()
sankeyPlot$setTemplate(script = "layouts/chart.html")

  data = xt,
  nodeWidth = 15,
  nodePadding = 10,
  layout = 32,
  width = 700,
  height = 400
