Getting Started

navr has not achieved CRAN status yet, so for now we will install with devtools::install_github as shown in the code below.


Simple Example


# navr loves htmltools::tags, and I do too
#   so let's use them

    id = "simple-toolbar"
    ,style="width:100%;height:300px;border: dashed 0.2em lightgray; float:left;"
    ,tags$h1( "Div in Need of Toolbar" )
    ,tags$p( "If all goes well, you should see something that resembles a toolbar.
      This toolbar is built in R using the htmlwidget "
      , tags$a(tags$code("navr"),href = "")
      ," which wraps the tiny, dependency-free powerhouse "
      ,tags$a(tags$code("responsive-nav.js"),href = "//")
      ,".  Isn't open source great?"
    "#simple-toolbar"  # id of selector for the div above
        tags$li(tags$a("worthless1"),href="")  # for now just text
        ,tags$li(tags$a("worthless2"),href="") # for now just text

Div in Need of Toolbar

If all goes well, you should see something that resembles a toolbar. This toolbar is built in R using the htmlwidget navr which wraps the tiny, dependency-free powerhouse responsive-nav.js . Isn't open source great?

htmlwidget Example

I can imagine a scenario where one of our htmlwidget friends might need a toolbar. Let’s say a DiagrammeR diagram wants to add a toolbar for exporting the rendered SVG. We could do something like this.


gV <- grViz(
  "digraph{ DiagrammeR -> HTML; navr -> HTML; HTML -> beautiful; }"
  , height = 400, width = 600

  # wrap diagram in a div since a lot of htmlwidgets clear contents
  tags$div(id = "diagram-needs-toolbar"
    selector = "#diagram-needs-toolbar"
    # use HTML instead of tags
    ,taglist = HTML("
        <li><a onclick = 'javascript:void(exportSVG())' href = '#diagram-needs-toolbar'>Export to SVG</a></li>
    function exportSVG(){
          window.btoa((new XMLSerializer()).serializeToString(