09:55 You have joined the channel
09:55 tmcw has joined (~tmcw@c-98-218-228-75.hsd1.dc.comcast.net)
09:55 Mode: +nst
09:55 Created at: Dec 26, 2012 10:20 PM
10:14 ansis has joined (~ansis@c-98-218-228-75.hsd1.dc.comcast.net)
10:28 tmcwansis: jfire scrum at 11?
10:28 ansissure
10:30 jfiresure
11:06 tmcwjfire: ansis small conf room?
11:10 ybon has joined (~ybon@
11:10 ybonhi :)
11:10 tmcwokay! I will be mirroring real-life in here
11:10 jfiregood morning
11:11 jfiretmcw has been fixing bugs, adding a few features. "Make circular"
11:11 jfiregardening alpha1 milestone and issues
11:11 jfirethere's 1-2 bugs in the milestone
11:13 tmcwmilestone: https://github.com/systemed/iD/issues?milestone=1&state=open
11:14 tmcwneed to classify some tickets like: https://github.com/systemed/iD/issues/440
11:14 tmcwjfire: implemented a radial menu, refactored drawing code
11:14 Firefishy has joined (~openstree@proxy.wwood.co.uk)
11:14 tmcweveryone's pretty psyched with the last-week progress
11:15 tmcwansis: is on now
11:15 tmcwsmall issues with labels (hey, labels!)
11:17 tmcwtalking perf improvements, using rtrees for intersections
11:17 tmcwsince graph.intersects is getting slow with thousands of features
11:18 tmcwfiled https://github.com/systemed/iD/issues/496
11:19 tmcwwe're going to be testing iD quite a bit at the editathon tomorrow 1-6pm at the mapbox office
11:19 tmcwsaman is getting back on id
11:21 tmcwnow talking website
11:21 tmcwgetting ideditor.com, updating the website
11:22 tmcwone small issue for using an icon instead of a gray circle
11:23 tmcwand adding google analytics to the site
11:24 ybon(why not piwik like in osm.org?)
11:24 tmcwybon: already have a google analytics & gauges account, and we don't have running servers
11:25 ybonk
11:26 tmcwcool! meat-space scrum is over
11:27 tmcwany input from cyberspace to register?
11:27 ybonnope
11:27 ybontmcw: but later I'll ask you where to start if I wan't to start helping
11:27 tmcwdefinitely, let me know
11:28 samanbb has joined (~samanbb@c-98-218-228-75.hsd1.dc.comcast.net)