block by veltman 2ffca9dfddbfe67dc8e70a08fa429d6b

Directional arrows #4

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Placing some offset directional arrows along a path, take 4.

This method is definitely overkill. It calculates one offset point per three pixels along the original path, and then walks that list of points one at a time to ensure that the resulting arrows are roughly evenly spaced and roughly the same length, regardless of the angles of their curves. You could make this slower + more precise, or faster + less precise, by changing the number of pixels per step.

marker-segment and marker-pattern should make this easier eventually.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="utf-8" />
    path {
      fill: none;
      stroke: #fc0;
      stroke-width: 2px;

    .arrow {
      stroke-width: 1px;
      stroke: #444;

    #arrowhead path {
      stroke: none;
      fill: black;
<svg version="1.1" xmlns="//" width="960" height="500">
  <path id="loop" d="M636.5,315c-0.4-18.7,1.9-27.9-5.3-35.9
    <marker id="arrowhead" viewBox="0 0 10 10" refX="1" refY="5" markerWidth="6" markerHeight="6" orient="auto">
      <path d="M 0 0 L 10 5 L 0 10 z" />
    <path id="test" />
<script src=""></script>

  var path = document.getElementById("loop"),
      test = document.getElementById("test"),
      length = path.getTotalLength(),
      desiredArrowLength = 40,
      offset = 15,
      numArrows = 20;

  var line = d3.line();"svg").selectAll(".arrow")
      .attr("class", "arrow")
      .attr("marker-end", "url(#arrowhead)")
      .attr("d", line);

  function arrows(numArrows) {

    var points = [],
        previousLength = outerLength = 0;

    test.setAttribute("d", "");

    for (var i = 0; i < length; i += 3) {
      points.push(point = offsetPoint(i));
      test.setAttribute("d", line(points));
      previousLength = outerLength;
      outerLength = test.getTotalLength();
      point.push(outerLength - previousLength);

    var interval = outerLength / numArrows,
        arrows = [[]],
        position = 0;


      position += point[2];

      if (position >= interval) {
        position = point[2];

      if (position <= desiredArrowLength) {
        arrows[arrows.length - 1].push(point);


    return arrows.slice(0, numArrows);


  function offsetPoint(l) {

    var angle = angleAtLength(l) - Math.PI / 2,
        point = pointAtLength(l);

    return [
      point[0] + offset * Math.cos(angle),
      point[1] + offset * Math.sin(angle)


  function pointAtLength(l) {

    var xy = path.getPointAtLength(l);
    return [xy.x, xy.y];


  // Approximate tangent
  function angleAtLength(l) {

    var a = pointAtLength(Math.max(l - 0.01,0)), // this could be slightly negative
        b = pointAtLength(l + 0.01); // browsers cap at total length

    return Math.atan2(b[1] - a[1], b[0] - a[0]);

