block by vkuchinov 92e3ae201810c18dd24d5a448f5d5d19

D3.JS Weekly Ticket Stacks Chart based on two points perspective built with Ф golden ratio

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WEEKLY TICKET STACKS Ф [based on two points prespective built with Ф golden ratio]

with UI interface for setting stack height ratio and radius.

golden ratio two point prespective

zl: { x: -11,070, y: 11,993 }
zm: { x: 0.0, y: 14.392 }
zr: { x: 12.749, y: 12.466 }

tp: { x: 0.0, y: 0.0 }
rp: { x: 12.749, y: -5.044 }
bp: { x: 2.887, y: -14.904 }
lp: { x: -11.070, y: -6.277 }


