block by vkuchinov d6b8e7567a4e36a7e4668d74de00f255

D3.JS Weekly Ticket Stacks Chart

Full Screen


[x] dynamic gradients for pseudo-3D aesthetics [x] mockup tooltip, for now, containing only value. Eventually, could be extended with additional data.

[x] top left and right grids should match values [!] isometric view doesn’t work well while back stack visually merge with front ones, so it makes the whole graph illegible. Have to be perspective view. To do this I have to shift bottom edge.

Tried that, not so helpful.
Did interactive selector, hover on axes labels (day, age)

[x] mouse reacting placeholders under labels

[x] filtering by legend, you can click on legends to filter tickets

[-] D3.JS works great with motion graphics, so if you need some effect, like growing stack on page load, let me know.

[-] planned, [x] done, [!] see comments

