blocks by zanarmstrong

draw your data





fresh block

bar chart SF pop


Branched Random Walk

fresh block

perceptual distance for varied colormaps

Color wheeling w/ Chroma.js and d3

pictogram table | d3v4




Force-Directed States of America

US Electoral Map Sized by Electoral Votes

Pie Chart Update, III

Pie Chart

Non-Contiguous Cartogram

Canvas Donut

Easing - vertical



R code for comet charts

js fire animation adapted for teaching purposes

js fire animation adapted for teaching purposes

comet chart - input your own data

learning to use color legend from d3.legend

forked from

Focus+Context via Brushing

Stroke Dash Interpolation


Population: precent


bar chart SF pop

Seasonality of ER products, small multiples


Dynamic tiles clipping - adapted

Sortable Table with Bars

Cluster Dendrogram

comet chart - input your own data


Map of Europe - for Migrant project

Migrant Deaths

D3 Bingo! (Zan)

custom ease

D3 Bingo!

Starting Points w/ Data

Text Along a Path

Harder Version: Heatmap view of Weather Data

Simple: Heatmap view of Weather Data

Stripped: Heatmap view of Weather Data

Stripped adaptation of animation, for teaching purposes: more difficult

Bar Chart - no axis

Bar Chart: stripped harder

Bar Chart: stripped easier

Stripped adaptation of animation, for teaching purposes

Adaption of animation, for teaching purposes

Clock (annotated)

Jittery Line (commented)

D3 Challenges (WIP)

Starting Points w/ Data

visualization template based on mouse input

Finding the data transformation

Stock Market Data

Time Data

weather data

visualization template based on mouse input

Mergesort II: commented

Which is Bigger? SVG version

Which is bigger: Africa or North America?

simple enter/update/exit example w/ data in multiple arrays

Example tests enter/update/exit

Create Your Own Texture!

Select a picture of the day

Caltrain Bike Bumps

Exploring Voronoi polygons, Delaunay triangles, and circumcircles

Jittery Line w/ option to choose interpolation

test for

City latitude and longitude lookup tool (worldwide)

Example map of the US

public radio kickstarter - npr stations

Jittery Line

Weather Line Chart w/ alternate to tooltip

Simple: Heatmap view of Weather Data

Normal Daily & Hourly Weather

grey boxes flying with music

Color Interpolation test

jittery line (original)

in response to SFPC assignment & greatartbot on Twitter

Homage to John Simon's Every Icon

adding waves

billion second bday

slider: days of the year

comet chart (prototype)

Zoomable Treemaps w/ Color

practicing making a map

d3 time formatting example

formatting numbers example

(wip) visualizing federal marginal tax rates