Due to https://georezo.net/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=352701#p352701 (in French)
Considering an existing MySQL/MariaDB database you have created where you have access, run the SQL commands below
To create table
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS points_xy_no_geom_col (
name VARCHAR(255),
To insert into table
INSERT INTO points_xy_no_geom_col(name, x, y)
('az', 1.84, 43.23),
('by', 2.38, 46.37),
('cx', 5.12, 34.24),
('dw', -2.5, 44.17);
Within command line, considering GDAL has been installed
# Test to check fine
ogrinfo -so MySQL:mydbname,user=myuser,password=mypassword points_xy_no_geom_col -dialect SQLite -sql "SELECT *, MakePoint(x,y, 4326) AS geom FROM points_xy_no_geom_col"
Create a VRT using SQLite dialect
# Create vrt file
echo '<OGRVRTDataSource>
<OGRVRTLayer name="points_xy_no_geom_col">
<SrcSQL dialect="SQlite">SELECT *, MakePoint(x,y, 4326) AS geom FROM points_xy_no_geom_col</SrcSQL>
</OGRVRTDataSource>' >| demo.vrt
Then, add the demo.vrt
file as a vector layer within QGIS
Do the same using MySQL native driver to make the query to generate the geometry column
echo "<OGRVRTDataSource>
<OGRVRTLayer name=\"points_xy_no_geom_col\">
<SrcSQL>SELECT *, ST_PointFromText(concat('Point(', x, ' ', y, ')'), 4326) AS geom FROM points_xy_no_geom_col</SrcSQL>
</OGRVRTDataSource>" >| demo_native.vrt
Then, add the demo_native.vrt
file as a vector layer within QGIS.
You can also add a geometry column directly with (we reused previous demo table to create the new one)
CREATE TABLE points_xy_with_geom_col AS SELECT * FROM points_xy_no_geom_col;
ALTER TABLE points_xy_with_geom_col ADD COLUMN geom GEOMETRY;
UPDATE points_xy_with_geom_col
SET geom = ST_PointFromText(concat('Point(', x, ' ', y, ')'), 4326);
Then, in QGIS, in the menu “Layer” > “Add Layer” > “Add Vector Layer”, click on database, choose type “MySQL”.
In Connections section, click on new to create the connexion to the database and test it.
Then, in “Options” section in “TABLES” add the table name e.g points_xy_with_geom_col
To create the table without going through the MySQL commands, you may load a CSV file and export to MySQL
Alternate solution could be to load the table from a CSV (it could be a shapefile or another vector source accepted by GDAL)
echo "name, x, y
az, 1.84, 43.23
by, 2.38, 46.37
cx, 5.12, 34.24
dw, -2.5, 44.17" >| my_csv_sample.csv
ogr2ogr -f MySQL MySQL:mydbname,user=myuser,password=mypassword \
-dialect SQLite \
-sql 'SELECT name, x, y, MakePoint(cast(x AS real), cast(y AS real), 4326) AS geom FROM my_csv_sample' \
-nln another_spatial_table \
-update -overwrite \
You can now add another_spatial_table
in QGIS like you’ve done for previous points_xy_with_geom_col