blocks by curran

BLS Unemployment Scraper

NPM D3 Downloads Data

historical hurricane data

Eminem Songs Data

File Listing Script

DBPedia Ontology

GeoJSON Contours Test

New York City Census Tracts

New York Parks

VizHub Images

India Geometries

Marks and Channels

DVS SOTI Challenge Data

National Smart Cities Mission

Simplemaps World Cities Database

World Bank Dataset: GDP per capita, PPP (current international $)

Current Military Alliances 2023

Gist Scraping Script Prototype

React & D3 Starter

Observable Scrape

Dataset from Center for Societal Benefit through Healthcare


Hoogst Behaald Onderwijsniveau Personen

Flare-2 Dataset

Stamen Open Source Git Scraper


a set of scripts to pull the git history from the d3 git repositories

New York Census Tracts

MIT Campus Map Data

Mapbox 1.X Reference Examples

Planetary Science Budget Dataset

USDA FoodData

Presidential Election Results from New York Times API

2019 Ridgecrest Earthquakes Data

US Energy Flow Data 2018


Webcam Setup for Recording

Features of Ceres


Missing Migrants Dataset

UN Population Estimates 2017 Medium Variant

Historical Temperature & Co2 Record from the Vostok Ice Core

New Delhi AirNow Historical Data

Simplemaps: World Cities Database

Old Faithful Dataset

Manufactures vs Total Exports


United Nations World Population Prospects 2019

VizHub Forks Graph as of Sept. 11 2019

CSS Named Colors

A hook to listen for width changes or scroll-bar show/hide.

Simplified Globe

Hello Svelte

Choropleth map with selectable countries

Scatterplot Pills

CodeMirror 6 Example

d3-tile tileSize

d3-tile wrapping

Tile by Bounding Box

Raster & Vector IV

Raster & Vector III

Raster & Vector II

Raster & Vector I

Next.js Dependencies

Map with circles

Choropleth Map with Interactive Filtering

Missing IDs in World Atlas

Time Zones

2016 Electoral College - No Overlap

scatterplot menus with d3-component | radius select

Scatter Plot with Menus X Y Only Simple Dots

Scatter Plot with Menus X Y Only

Relation Between Income And Health Expectancy In Different Countries

circle pack + hierarchical edge bundling | es2015+ | Vanilla D3v5


Getting Display Size

Why Losing Details?

Responsive Scatter Plot II

Responsive Scatter Plot I

US Map of Nielsen Media Markets

Global Cities Scatterplot

Aggregation with Datalib

Visual List Library

Object Constancy in Animated Transitions

Data Driven Changes

Using Classes with the General Update Pattern

Nested General Update Pattern

Bar Chart with Text First Attempt

Margin Convention Encapsulation Idea

Semiotic Test

General Update Pattern with Text

Render Function Concept

Data Driven SVG Text

Basic Text in SVG

Internet Speed Log

Demo of d3-boxes

Aggregation with Datalib

Basic General Update Pattern

Cities on the Globe

Orthographic Zoom III

Orthographic Zoom II

Aggregated Foreign born population in Canada

All Foreign born population in Canada

150 years of immigration in Canada

Flat Earth Map

Trump Topics Streamgraph

Happiness Score by Country 2017

Rohingya Refugees in Cox's Bazar and Fires in Myanmar


Orthographic Zoom I

Spinning Globe

Maddison Historical GDP per Capita

Global CO2 Emissions 1751-2014

Data Table Summary Abalone

IMDB-Rate vs Facebook-Likes

Data Table Summary

Donut Chart

Pie Chart

Line Chart of Temperature

Line Chart with Circles

Scatter Plot with Time Axis

How many shades of blue do you need?

Horizontal Bar Chart

Tilted Labels

Bar Chart of Internet Users Per Country

Lollipop Chart

Scatter Plot with Ordinal Axis

Extremist Murders in the US

Stylized Scatter Plot with Color Legend

Scatter Plot Axis Labels


How Americans Spend Time

Customized Axes

Basic Scatter Plot with Axes

Margin Convention with Scatter Plot

Basic Scatter Plot

Loading CSV Data

Theme Experiment

Scatter Plot with Size Legend

Scatter Plot with Color Legend

Nested General Update Pattern

Persons of Concern StreamGraph by Destination

Persons of Concern StreamGraph by Origin

Labeled Streamgraph

Syrian Refugees by Settlement Type

Robot Painter

Histogram Smoothing

Compare Colors

Animated Fractal Pie Chart

Loading CSV Diagram

Fractal Pie Chart Art

Fractal Pie Chart

Jagged Hello

D3 Custom Bundle with Webpack

Airport Clocks


Scatter Plot with Menus

Hello d3-component




Spinner with d3-component

Posts with d3-component

Responding to Resize with Text

Sine Wave Circles

The Vibratory Effect of Texture

Small Multiples with Reusable Charts

Trump Banned Countries

Multiple Axes Experiment

Fullsize.js Prototype

Live Weather Data

Spans Example

Popping Effect

Hello D3 with Data

Reusable Bar Chart

Bar Chart with ReactiveModel

SVG Basics

Tree Fractal with COLORS!

Tree Fractal with SVG

Tree Fractal with SVG (broken)

Pseudo Bar Chart III

Pseudo Bar Chart II

Pseudo Bar Chart I

Radial Colors


Radial Cantor Set

Cantor Set

HTML Starter


React + D3 Boilerplate

Moon Calendar 2017


Global Migration in 2015

World Countries Hierarchy

Linked Scatter Plot and Bar Chart

Cross Country Trip

D3 4.0 Sequential Scales Explorer

Raster & Vector 4.0

Radial Bar Chart

Staggered Donut Chart


Graph Diagram Editor


Temperature Around Bangalore

Observer Pattern Benchmarks

Dynamic Baseball Scatter Plot

Religions of Largest 20 Countries

Indian Number System Format

Composable Visualization Test

Responsive Axes with ReactiveModel

Margin Convention II with ReactiveModel

Margin Convention with ReactiveModel

Full Name Greeting with ReactiveModel

Responding to Resize with ReactiveModel

Chart Types


Country Centroids on a Map

Sortable Slices

Chiasm-Charts v0.1.5

Polar Area

Useless Vis

Streamgraph with Padding

Crime by Race Dataset (Normalized)

Crime by Race Dataset (Normalized)

2015 Police Killings Dataset

Crime by Race Dataset

Mother Jones Gun Violence Dataset

Empty Boxes

fresh block

fresh block

Magic Bar Chart II

Chiasm-Charts v0.1.2

Interactive Scatter Plot

Tree Fractal with Circles

Iris Dataset Scatter Plot

Chiasm-Charts v0.1.0

Negative Relative Time Ticks

X Foo Button


Stacked Area Chart

World Population Area Chart

Kernel Density Estimation with Science.js

Loess with science.js

Tweet Times with LOESS Curve

Multi-Line Chart of Largest Countries

World Population Line Chart

Lynchings by State Donut Charts

Lynchings by State Pie Charts

Lynchings by State Pie Charts First Attempt

Sized Donut Charts

Sized Pie Charts

Invitations Links Map

Pie Chart Small Multiples

Blocks Graph with Links

Blocks Graph Edges Only

Blocks Graph

Earth at Night

Donut Chart Small Multiples

Polar Area Small Multiples

Polar Area Diagram

Religions Donut Chart

Religions Pie Chart

World Population Single Bar

The Iris Dataset

Introducing d3.layout.pie

Colored Circle Area Chart

Circle Area Chart

Bootstrap + Chiasm

Nest & Stack

Splitting a Rectangle

D3 Stack Layout

Colored Bar Chart

Tilted Axis Labels

Largest 5 Countries

Fusillade à Paris

Migrant Deaths over Time

Migrant Deaths Map (outlines only)

Stacked Bars

Grouped Bars

Reactive Mixins for Visualizations

Box Plot in Chiasm

Magic Heat Map

Magic Bar Chart (Browserified)

Axes with Model.js

Magic Bar Chart

D3js and Polymer Web Components

Reactive Mixins

fresh block

Margin Convention with Model.js

Story of Chiasm


Crossfilter & Chiasm


Focus + Context Area Charts

Focus + Context Scatter Plots

Model.js Dynamic Scatter Plot

D3 Slider

Bootstrap Grid Example

fresh block

Migrant Deaths Map (direct)

Download SVG from Data URL

Fundamental Visualizations

Chiasm Boilerplate

Graphical Perception

Map & Globe

Density-based Ticks

Chiasm Foundation

Responding to Resize

Dynamic Size

Reusable Scatter Plot

Multi-Line Voronoi 2015

Using d3-legend

Spinny Loading Icon

Incremental Data Loading

Wave Simulation

D3 Links Example

Towards Reusable Charts Example

href on d3 objects

ModelJS firstName lastName

Generalizing D3 patterns ad infinitum

Standalone Line Chart

Standalone Scatter Plot

Standalone Bar Chart

The Reactivis Concept

Reusable Scatter Plot with Model.js

D3 & Font-Awesome

Unemployment in San Mateo County

Axis Styles via JavaScript

Religions Bar Chart

Horizontal Bar Chart

World City Explorer

Chiasm Kitchen Sink

Texture Scales

Color and Texture with textures.js

Data Canvas Part 8 - Zooming

Data Canvas Part 7 - Scatter Lines

Live Temperature by City

Chiasm Layout Example

Chiasm Bar Chart and Line Chart

Data Canvas Part 5 - More Data

Scatter Plot Zooming

Scatter Plot

Reactive Flow Diagram

Data Canvas Part 4 - Colors

Picking N Colors Automatically

Data Canvas Part 3 - Bar Chart

Data Canvas Part 2 - Line Chart

Data Canvas Part 1 - Data

Example histogram using pareto distribution.