Building web services - intro talk/video (24 mins)
Building web services - talk/video (90+ mins)
Intro tutorial using tiger tonic
Intro tutorial using redis for persistence
Three part tutorial by Steven White:
Routing RESTful controllers - a post by Matt Ryer
Quik-N-Eazy - “A quick and easy way to setup a RESTful JSON API”
Testflight - utility for painless HTTP testing
Building a testable Go web app - SourceGraph post based on a talk given by Quinn Slack at Pivotal Labs
Testing in Go - thoughts by Will Norris
Structuring tests in Go - recommendations by Ben Johnson
Introducing Silk - Markdown-driven API tests
Take a REST with HTTP/2, Protobufs, and Swagger - CoreOS blog post
gRPC Go - talk by Sameer Ajmani of the Go Team
For additional tutorials and example code, see this gist.