block by joyrexus 6813016

Unit circle extension for svg.js

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Simple demonstration of how to extend svg.js. Our little extension, svg.unit.js, enables one to create a unit circle and move around to various points on it based on a specified angle.

Note: moving around a unit circle as our demo use case was largely inspired by Tom MacWright’s Math for Pictures post.

For example, we can create a unit circle centered at 150, 150 with radius 100 and use degrees as our angle unit of measure:

w = 300
h = 300

draw = SVG('canvas').size(w, h)

center =
  x: w/2
  y: w/2  

u = draw.unitCircle(center.x, center.y, radius=100, degrees=true)

Move to 0° on our unit circle and mark the point:


Draw a line from our last point (at 0°) to 120°:


Draw a line from our last point to 240° and mark the point with a marker of size 10 using hiliteStyle for styling:

hiliteStyle =
    fill: "orange"
    stroke: "aliceblue"
    'stroke-width': 2

u.lineTo(240).markPoint(10, hiliteStyle)

