block by joyrexus 6981532

RAF example

Full Screen

Simple demo of requestAnimationFrame.

Guidelines for animation

Further, Paul Irish suggests

Lastly …

“Show Paint Rects” and “Render Composited Layer Borders” are good pro-moves to verify where your element is being rendered.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<script src="//"></script>
    <rect width="960" height="500" fill="none" stroke="#777" />
    <circle cx="480" cy="20" r="20" fill="steelblue"/>

<script type="text/coffeescript">
  min = 20    # min y-position
  max = 480   # max y-position
  pos = 20    # initial y-position
  dir = 1     # initial direction
  fps = 60    # frames per second
  speed = 5   # number of pixels to move
  delay = 1000 / fps
  paused = false

  ball = document.querySelector 'circle'
  position = (y) => += y if y

  move = ->
    dir *= -1 if (position() > max) or (position() < min)
    position dir * speed

  draw = ->
    setTimeout (-> window.requestAnimationFrame draw), delay

  draw()  # use runFor(secs) to run animation for specified time

  run = ->
    return if paused
    window.requestAnimationFrame run

  runFor = (secs=2) ->
    setTimeout (-> paused = true), secs * 1000